Here is the most recent WES newsletter.
TPVS Student Council Food Drive
Bullying Prevention and Kindness Challenge Poster Contest
Thank you from the PTO and reminder of Giving Tuesday
Nurse News re: surveillance testing
Ski Runners Sign Up reminder
Here is the most recent WES newsletter.
TPVS Student Council Food Drive
Bullying Prevention and Kindness Challenge Poster Contest
Thank you from the PTO and reminder of Giving Tuesday
Nurse News re: surveillance testing
Ski Runners Sign Up reminder
Dear WES Families,
Here is a link to my final newsletter prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Included please find the following:
-Meet Your Teacher Night schedule
-Dismissal Plan Survey for Parents/guardians (please let us know which bus your child rides or if they are a walker/pick up)
-l2021-2022 bus routes
-Updated arrival/dismissal procedures
-New staff list
-Link to WCSU Elementary Handbook
-Link to Newsletter #1 and #2
Thank You!
Maggie Mills
I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the summer!
Here is a link to my first newsletter about the 2021-2022 School Year.
There you will find the following information:
-School calendar
-COVID-19 protocol update
-PreK opening days
-After School Program
-School breakfast and lunch
-Back to School Night
-Class Lists
Maggie Mills
WES Principal
Dear WES Families,
We made it! I could not be prouder of our students, staff, and families for the Herculean effort to complete the 2020-2021 school year. This year tested us like no other and really showed us what we are all capable of collectively. Well done!
In the linked newsletter, you will find lots of end of year pictures and information about the following:
Norman Williams Public Library Summer Reading Program (Tails and Tales)
Last Nurse Newsletter for the year
Billings Bookworm Flyer
Woodstock Paving Update
Summer Meals
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
I want to share some reminders and updates:
Drop-off at WES begins at 7:55 AM. We are starting to have students left unattended up to 20 minutes early, and they are congregating in a non-socially distant way in the lobby without supervision. This presents a health and safety issue. Please adhere to your assigned drop-off time. Students are welcome to start entering the building at 7:55 AM.
Wednesday Learning Plans: Students all have asynchronous assignments to complete on Wednesdays. In K-2, a plan comes home from the classroom teachers. In grades 3-6, students have assignments from the classroom teacher as well as art and music assignments. Students in grades 4-6 also have an asynchronous Spanish assignment to do on Wednesdays. These assignments are tracked for attendance on Wednesdays.
Please reach out to your child's teacher if you are unsure about Wednesday assignments.
Absences: Now that all students are in school in person four days per week, the Wednesday assignments are the only assignments consistently available online. When your child is absent, you and your child will need to be proactive and connect with the teacher about missed lessons and missed assignments. Being present in the classroom is the best way to make progress at school. Make up and catch up are far from ideal modes of learning.
WES Configuration for 2021-2022. Woodstock Elementary School will be a PreK to 4th grade school for the 2021-2022 school year. We anticipate adding another PreK class and an additional 2nd grade because of the large 1st-grade class this year. WES will be considered the local elementary for PreK-4th grade students from Bridgewater, Pomfret, and Woodstock. PreK-4th graders in Reading will go to RES unless applying for school choice at WES. If you currently attend WES by town designation or school choice, you will stay unless you apply to switch to another school. Students from Plymouth can apply to WES by choice for grades PreK-4. The district is working to assign and hire staff and a principal for The Prosper Valley School for grades 5-6 for Bridgewater, Pomfret, Reading, and Woodstock students. I anticipate the majority of staff currently at WES will stay at WES unless they are retiring or request a transfer. I want to formally acknowledge that Mrs. Giller, "Mr. Wes" Hennig, and Mrs. Labella are retiring from WES this year. As we approach the end of the year, we will have much more time for closure and appreciation of their dedicated service to our school!
In the linked newsletter, you will find information about the following:
Girls On The Run registration is open
WES Art Show at DHMC
Nurse News: Returning after Illness reminder
PBIS at WES Updates
Free Meals to Go
Parenting Classes Announcements
Vermont PBS live stream link
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
We are moving ahead with exciting plans to bring back all students in K-6 for four days of instruction. As you may have anticipated, your flexibility is already needed. Due to emerging logistics, we need to push out the moving dates to February 22nd-24th, just after February break.
This means that next week, school will now be in session on February 11th and 12th and will be normal, hybrid days of school.
On Monday, February 22nd, school will be cancelled for all grades PreK-6. PreK and Kindergarten will return to school in person on Tuesday, February 23rd. Grades 1-6 will have virtual learning on Tuesday the 23rd. Wednesday the 24th will be a typical remote day, and Thursday, February 25th will be our first day of all students in grades 3-6 in school for four days per week. Grades K-2 will continue normally with 4 days per week starting on the 25th as well.
More details to follow. Please mark your calendars with these changes. I appreciate your flexibility as we continue toward this transition as quickly as possible.
All the Best,
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
Planning, planning, planning! As Covid fatigue sets in for many of us, it is good for our mental health to make plans for the future and have things to look forward to. At our house, we have just ordered spring chicks to add to our flock of aging hens. We are planning some family cross-country ski and skating outings for the February break. Here at school, I have shared with you our initial plans for transitioning to four days per week for grades 3-6 after the break. More news to come!
Planning for PreK in 2020-2021? The registration opens on Monday, February 8th! Click here for details if you know a child turning three by September 1st 2021.
As you may know, plans are moving forward for the reopening of The Prosper Valley School for the 2021-2022 school year. All families in the WCSU are invited to review the recommendations of the WCSU School Board Reconfiguration Committee and offer input here.
If your child's teacher has shared plans for a class Valentine's exchange, please keep in mind that no food or candy may be exchanged at school.
MORE After School Virtual Gatherings
Free dinners to go Available
Health and Wellness Film Screening
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
Thank you to those of you who have already completed the anonymous school climate survey sent out by the homeroom teachers and Mrs. Klocek. The survey questions are provided to us by Vermont PBIS. Schools across the country who use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports are strongly encouraged to survey their school community members annually about the school climate. Here is a link to respond this week if you have not already. (We've had over 100 responses already.) Look for results to come out later this year. The PBIS team at WES will review the results to plan our action steps for the remainder of the school year and beyond!
PBIS January Update
After School Virtual Gatherings
Health and Wellness Film Screenings
PTO Notes
Girl Scout Cookie Sales
Passport to Winter Fun Has Begun!
Foster Family Information from Vermont DCF
Billings Farm Winter Programs
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
Hope you are getting out on this long weekend to enjoy the fresh snow. Lots of sledding and climbing on the renewed snowbanks at our house!
Thank you again for the smooth remote learning days January 4-5-6. If you have any feedback about these three days, you can submit it to this optional feedback form.
Some families have inquired about our schedule for this coming week. The middle school/high school has altered their schedule due to the Monday holiday. WES has not altered the schedule, and Wednesday will be a typical remote learning day.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
After School Virtual Gatherings
WES Nurse News
Girl Scout Cookie Sales
Passport to Winter Fun Starting Soon!
Foster Family Information from Vermont DCF
WARF Support Available
Summer SOAK 2021
Billings Farm Winter Programs
Good Citizen Challenge
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
WCSU Remote Learning Handbook
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
Maggie Mills
Dear WES Families,
Welcome back and Happy New Year! Thank you for all your help in supporting the children in remote learning on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Teachers reported that it went very well, and they also learned some things that will help us be even more prepared should we need to go remote again.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
PTO Meeting on Monday 1/11/21
Passport to Winter Fun Starting Soon!
WARF Support Available
Summer SOAK 2021
Billings Farm Winter Programs
Resources for Talking With Children About Unsettling News Events
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
WCSU Remote Learning Handbook
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
Maggie Mills
What a wintery week! I hope your children enjoyed the snow day and have more than enough snow to play in over the vacation. I wish you a relaxing and peaceful December break starting on Wednesday, December 23rd!
As Sherry Sousa wrote in her update today (Friday, Dec. 18th), the district will be in remote learning mode on Monday and Tuesday (1/4 and 1/5) after the break. Wednesday, 1/6 will be a fully asynchronous day, and we will return to hybrid in-person learning on Thursday, 1/7. More details will be shared soon such as remote schedules for each grade and curbside food service plans.
For families in grades 3-6, please take a few minutes to complete this survey about our live streaming pilot this month. Even if your child did not participate, we would still like your feedback. The survey will be live until January 3rd.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
PBIS Snowflake Celebration!
Festive Dress Days 12/21-12/22
Welcome Ms. Ditzler to PreK!
Summer SOAK 2021
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
WCSU Remote Learning Handbook
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
PTO Thanksgiving Teacher Appreciation Reminder
PTO report on Zoom Fun Night
WES Family Directory link
Collaborative Problem Solving training for parents and caregivers
Statement from the Vermont Chapter of the AAP
Returning to school after illness
Free the Coats Coat Drive
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
Brrr! We spent a few minutes this weekend at my house making sure winter boots, hats, gloves, and snow pants are at the ready and still fit, along with reorganizing our basket of masks and taking a few masks out of circulation that need to be repaired. Are your children ready for outdoor play on these chilly fall days? Because we clean the cubbies regularly and cannot have shared items at school, it is important that students bring their own winter gear (and all personal possessions) to and from school each day. Teachers will not be allowing students to store personal items in the cubbies.
If you are interested in moving your elementary age child in grades K-6 from in-person instruction to 100% remote instruction in the WCVES or vice versa, please complete this Enrollment Request and review these WCVES Family Responsibilities. If you would like to request a change in instructional model for trimester 2, the deadline to complete the request is November 17, 2020.
The WES PTO is helping us create a school directory so families can connect with classmates, especially for those families who are new to WES. Please contact Mr. Miles or myself by Friday, November 6th if you would not like your information included. (Also contact us to opt out of sharing photos/videos in class/school newsletters and publications.) If you have not updated information in ALMA, your directory contacts may be outdated. If you have not had a chance to go into ALMA and fill out the annual forms and contact info, contact Mr. Miles or Ms. Mills for an ALMA password reset. Once you have reset your password, directions for updating annual forms in ALMA can be found here.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
Food Shelf drive
November Lunch Menu
Free the Coats Coat Drive
HCRS information
Christmas Giving information from Our Lady of the Snows
Thanksgiving baskets from the Woodstock Food Shelf
Mitten/Glove drive
Prosper Valley Pie and Bread Fundraiser
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
Weekly travel/quarantine map
Returning to school after illness -UPDATED info as of 10/9/2020
Maggie Mills
This is your weekly reminder to sign up for FREE school meals curbside pick up. These meals are for any child(ren) age 18 and under regardless of enrollment within the district. If you haven’t already, please sign up by Friday 10/30 for next week’s curbside pick up. This helps give our kitchen team an idea of how much food to order in and how many meals to prepare. You will receive a confirmation email on Sunday. If you don’t receive the confirmation email on Sunday, then you are not signed up. Please email if you have questions.
November Order Links are posted on the WCUD SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM WEBSITE, so take the time to fill out your order for the month. Menus and other program information also posted on our website! Follow us on @vtschoolmeals on Instagram.
Special November Dates-
Monday, November 9th-NO SCHOOL-Curbside pick up will follow the same pick up times and is open to all students on this day because there is no school. Menu items for that day will be announced soon!
Wednesday, November 11th-No School-No meal service-We are giving our amazing kitchen teams the day off to rest and recharge.
Wednesday, November 25th-We will be distributing Thanksgiving Break Family Meal boxes to help nourish your children through the break. These will be for PREORDER only. More details and order form coming soon.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
WES PTO kick-off meeting today - via Zoom
Food drive
Nurse News
Christmas Giving information from Our Lady of the Snows
Thanksgiving baskets from the Woodstock Food Shelf
Mitten/Glove drive
Prosper Valley Pie and Bread Fundraiser
Decision-making matrix for closing schools
Weekly travel/quarantine map
Returning to school after illness -UPDATED info as of 10/9/2020
Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed another weekend of good weather for outdoor activity and fun. I had the privilege of joining a kindergarten PE class this morning and was delighted to hear all the examples of physical activity students shared from their weekends.
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
WES PTO kick-off meeting
COVID protection video
Thanksgiving baskets from the Woodstock Food Shelf
Mitten/Glove drive
Returning to school after illness -UPDATED info as of 10/9/2020
Coping During Covid Zoom Event from Windsor County Mentors
Travel Guidelines Reminder
Updated WCSU School Calendar
Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend!
In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:
Invitation to Coffee with the Principal ~This Friday
Picture Day Tues/Thurs schedule
Mitten/Glove drive
Returning to school after illness -UPDATED info as of 10/9/2020
Free community dinner to go
Updated WCSU School Calendar
Billings Farm Opportunities
Please note that new families can register for the upcoming year on’s website. The WES office is usually closed for business during the summer; for assistance, email Principal Maggie Mills at
FREE SCHOOL MEALS for curbside pick up at Woodstock Elementary School, Reading Elementary School, and Barnard Academy will be available again starting July 13th from 11:00-12pm.
WCSU Interim Superintendent Sherry Sousa sent the following message to families on June 29, 2020.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I want you to know that over the last weeks we have begun the planning for our return to school in the
fall. Our goal is to safely bring our students back to their teachers and schools so that they can learn
as a community again.
To achieve that goal, I have organized a group of teachers, staff, administrators, parents, students,
Board members and community representatives called the Collaboration Team. On July 15th and
16th, the team will set the foundation for the more detailed planning and decisions that will be made
for the District and each building. Prior to our meeting, we are reviewing the newest State guidelines,
looking at other models in Vermont, across the country and internationally, and thinking about the
options in our schools.
The survey below will collect the thoughts of our parents as you consider your child(ren) returning to
school. I have also provided the link to the Agency of Education guidelines for reopening schools.
As the Interim Superintendent, I have said that there are no simple answers to the reopening our
schools, but as someone who has served in the District as long as I have, I know we will all rise to the
challenge and offer the best learning experience we can.
Sherry Sousa
WCSU Interim Superintendent
Looking for a fun and creative way to continue learning over the summer? Maybe it's a rainy day
and you are looking for something to do? The Windsor Central Summer Fun Learning Bingo Board is
here for you! Any student grades PreK-12 can complete the board and submit evidence for a prize in
the fall. Choose a row/column/diagonal to complete, and
nd yourself engaging in music, math,
science, reading, writing, wellness, foreign language, stewardship, engineering, art, and coding! The
board was created by Windsor Central teachers. We hope this Bingo Board is a fun, optional
extension to your summer learning. Enjoy!