Free Curbside Meals

This is your weekly reminder to sign up for FREE school meals curbside pick up. These meals are for any child(ren) age 18 and under regardless of enrollment within the district.  If you haven’t already, please sign up by Friday 10/30 for next week’s curbside pick up. This helps give our kitchen team an idea of how much food to order in and how many meals to prepare. You will receive a confirmation email on Sunday. If you don’t receive the confirmation email on Sunday, then you are not signed up. Please email if you have questions. 

November Order Links are posted on the WCUD SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM WEBSITE, so take the time to fill out your order for the month. Menus and other program information also posted on our website! Follow us on @vtschoolmeals on Instagram.  

Special November Dates-

Monday, November 9th-NO SCHOOL-Curbside pick up will follow the same pick up times and is open to all students on this day because there is no school. Menu items for that day will be announced soon!

Wednesday, November 11th-No School-No meal service-We are giving our amazing kitchen teams the day off to rest and recharge. 

Wednesday, November 25th-We will be distributing Thanksgiving Break Family Meal boxes to help nourish your children through the break. These will be for PREORDER only. More details and order form coming soon. 
