News from WES | January 24, 2021

Dear WES Families,

Thank you to those of you who have already completed the anonymous school climate survey sent out by the homeroom teachers and Mrs. Klocek. The survey questions are provided to us by Vermont PBIS. Schools across the country who use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports are strongly encouraged to survey their school community members annually about the school climate. Here is a link to respond this week if you have not already. (We've had over 100 responses already.) Look for results to come out later this year. The PBIS team at WES will review the results to plan our action steps for the remainder of the school year and beyond!

  • PBIS January Update

  • After School Virtual Gatherings

  • Health and Wellness Film Screenings

  • PTO Notes


  • Girl Scout Cookie Sales

  • Passport to Winter Fun Has Begun!

  • Foster Family Information from Vermont DCF

  • Billings Farm Winter Programs

  • Vermont PBS live stream link

  • WES Family Directory link

Maggie Mills
