The Woodstock Elementary School STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) Lab and Makerspace is an exploratory learning space that strives to infuse the STEM disciplines into the broader curriculum. We have established a science, engineering and design learning lab in its own dedicated space, preparing our students today with the critical thinking, designing, engineering and problem solving skills they need to fill the jobs of tomorrow!
Recent Projects
VTC Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition
Our schools did very well in the competition, with our bridges taking over 200 to almost 900 pounds of pressure before breaking. Special congratulations go to Jack Quicker and Lucy Drebitko, who took first place for Originality of Design - with their double arched bridge - which supported 811 pounds.
Hummingbird Robotic Kits
The 6th grade constructed carnival rides that utilized motors, lights, and coding.
2nd/3rd Grade Bridge Project
As part of their Forces and Motion Unit, 2nd and 3rd Grade Students from Prosper Valley School spend several weeks designing and constructing bridges out of straws, with the goal of being able to support the most weight. Three teams tied for first place, supporting 1140 grams. Well done!