News from WES | February 4, 2021
Dear WES Families,
Planning, planning, planning! As Covid fatigue sets in for many of us, it is good for our mental health to make plans for the future and have things to look forward to. At our house, we have just ordered spring chicks to add to our flock of aging hens. We are planning some family cross-country ski and skating outings for the February break. Here at school, I have shared with you our initial plans for transitioning to four days per week for grades 3-6 after the break. More news to come!
Planning for PreK in 2020-2021? The registration opens on Monday, February 8th! Click here for details if you know a child turning three by September 1st 2021.
As you may know, plans are moving forward for the reopening of The Prosper Valley School for the 2021-2022 school year. All families in the WCSU are invited to review the recommendations of the WCSU School Board Reconfiguration Committee and offer input here.
If your child's teacher has shared plans for a class Valentine's exchange, please keep in mind that no food or candy may be exchanged at school.
MORE After School Virtual Gatherings
Free dinners to go Available
Health and Wellness Film Screening
Vermont PBS live stream link
WES Family Directory link
Maggie Mills