News from WES | November 2, 2020

Brrr! We spent a few minutes this weekend at my house making sure winter boots, hats, gloves, and snow pants are at the ready and still fit, along with reorganizing our basket of masks and taking a few masks out of circulation that need to be repaired. Are your children ready for outdoor play on these chilly fall days? Because we clean the cubbies regularly and cannot have shared items at school, it is important that students bring their own winter gear (and all personal possessions) to and from school each day. Teachers will not be allowing students to store personal items in the cubbies.

Request to Move from Virtual to In-Person Learning and Vice Versa

If you are interested in moving your elementary age child in grades K-6 from in-person instruction to 100% remote instruction in the WCVES or vice versa, please complete this Enrollment Request and review these WCVES Family Responsibilities. If you would like to request a change in instructional model for trimester 2, the deadline to complete the request is November 17, 2020.

School Directory

The WES PTO is helping us create a school directory so families can connect with classmates, especially for those families who are new to WES. Please contact Mr. Miles or myself by Friday, November 6th if you would not like your information included. (Also contact us to opt out of sharing photos/videos in class/school newsletters and publications.) If you have not updated information in ALMA, your directory contacts may be outdated. If you have not had a chance to go into ALMA and fill out the annual forms and contact info, contact Mr. Miles or Ms. Mills for an ALMA password reset. Once you have reset your password, directions for updating annual forms in ALMA can be found here

In this week’s newsletter you will find information about the following:

  • Food Shelf drive

  • November Lunch Menu

  • Free the Coats Coat Drive

  • HCRS information

  • Christmas Giving information from Our Lady of the Snows

  • Thanksgiving baskets from the Woodstock Food Shelf

  • Mitten/Glove drive

  • Prosper Valley Pie and Bread Fundraiser

  • Decision-making matrix for closing schools

  • Weekly travel/quarantine map

  • Returning to school after illness -UPDATED info as of 10/9/2020



Maggie Mills

