WES K-2 Seesaw Online Learning Portfolio

Hello Families,

You may be getting a similar communication from your child's classroom teacher, but we want to make sure everyone has access to our online platform for primary grades.

We will be using an online learning portfolio called Seesaw to share our remote learning during school dismissal. Each student will have a learning journal that is shared between teacher and student (and family members). 

To access Seesaw at home with your child, you will need to download the Seesaw CLASS app (Seesaw: The Learning Journal) or go to app.seesaw.me and enter your child’s personal Home Learning Code. Your child's teacher will be in touch by the end of the day on Thursday with the code.

Please visit this Tutorial page for help accessing and navigating Seesaw with your child.

Note - this access is DIFFERENT than the Family app, which allows you to see your child’s learning when they are in school. You may also be getting an invite from your teacher to connect through the Family app.

Teachers will be in touch on Monday about specific learning activities and how they connect to Seesaw! 


John Hansen

Interim Principal

Thursday pick ups at WES and Billings Farm! - 3/19
  • Parents are invited to stop by WES on Thursday, March 19 between noon and 3:00 p.m. to pick up student belongings that are bagged in the gym, and also to pick up a Chromebook or iPad, if needed to access remote learning. 

  • Billings Farm will set up a “drive-through” outside its Visitor Center where you can pick up craft and activity kits to grab and take home. The first drive-through is scheduled for Thursday, March 19 with distribution times from 9am-10am and from 12pm-1pm. After this week, the drive-throughs will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays with two distribution times each day. Alternate pick-up times can be arranged by emailing askus@billingsfarm.org.

COVID-19 Update from Interim Principal John Hansen

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

COVID-19 Update from the Office of the Superintendent

Read the full update from the Windsor Central Office of the Superintendent

Windsor Central Schools Will Be Open Tomorrow March 16th

All Windsor Central Schools will be open tomorrow and buses will be running on schedule. Teachers will be working with students to prepare for an extended period of remote learning and students will be asked to take their belongings home. STUDENT ATTENDANCE IS OPTIONAL. If parents decide not to send their students to school tomorrow they will have the opportunity to stop by their child's school at some point during the week to pick up their child's belongings.

Windsor Central Schools Will Be Closed to Students Starting Tuesday, March 17th

Our educators will be receiving training this week to prepare them to provide remote learning for their students during this dismissal period. We will be ready to launch this program on Monday, March 23rd and are anticipating offering an introductory learning experience for all students this Friday, March 20th. We are also preparing options for students who do not have access to internet or digital devices.

Daily Food Service for Students on Free and Reduced Lunch

Starting on 3/23 students on free and reduced lunch will have meals delivered to their homes on a daily basis. Tomorrow, a week's worth of food will be sent home with students to cover until delivery begins on the 23rd.

Planning for Child Care for Health Care Workers Underway

By the end of the week, we will share district options that support the childcare needs of healthcare workers and other Vermonters essential to the COVID-19 response (EMS, Fire, LEO, National Guard personnel, etc.) If you believe you are eligible for these services, please click on this link so we may contact you.

Newsletter | March 1, 2020

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | February 23, 2020

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Girls on the Run Sign-Up

Registration is Now Open for Girls on the Run!


Register now for Girls on the Run Vermont’s (GOTRVT) spring season! This 10-week program is open to girls in 3rd-6th grade. Our season kicks off the first week of March. Our team meets both Mondays and Wednesdays (with some extra optional Fridays!) from 3:00 to 4:30.  

At Girls on the Run, trained volunteer coaches deliver a research-based curriculum to help girls develop critical life skills that they can use at school, at home or with friends. Through fun games, relays, team challenges and movement, we empower girls to recognize their inner-strength, understand what it means to be part of a community and celebrate all that makes them unique!

Our season culminates with GOTRVT’s celebratory 5K on May 16th, at Brattleboro High School.

The registration fee is $100.  Financial assistance is available for those who need it on the online registration. Eligibility is determined by annual household income. Please contact GOTRVT directly at 802-871-5664 with questions regarding financial assistance options.

Learn more about Girls on the Run or register your girl today at www.gotrvt.org. Space is limited!  Questions? Contact Coach Davie at Ldavie@wcsu.net or call/text 802-393-GOTR (4687). 

Newsletter | February 7, 2020

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Flu Information from School Nurse

Dear WES families, 

There have been a number of reported cases on influenza among our student population in recent weeks. We would like families to know that we are following CDC (and Vermont Department of Health) Guidelines for cleaning our school building. Attached is some information for parents. If your child is ill with flu like symptoms, please keep them home from school. If your child has a fever, they should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. The information below includes when to contact your child's pediatrician. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. 

Jamie Sudol MEd, RN, NCSN

Newsletter | January 28, 2020

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | January 14, 2020

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | December 30, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | December 12, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | November 30, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | November 20, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | November 10, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Volunteers Needed: Harvest Hoedown

The Harvest Hoedown is next Friday, November 15th from 5:30-7 pm.

This is a family night for the Woodstock Elementary Community, co-sponsored by WES PTO and Student Council. Entertainment will include: face painting, photo booth, fortune telling and DANCING! Pizza by the slice and desserts available for purchase. Please consider signing up to help out. We appreciate your support of this annual event!

We are looking for volunteers to lend a hand.

Click here to sign up to help at this fun, free family event: https://signup.com/go/MfZFpBc

Newsletter | October 25, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills
Newsletter | October 13, 2019

WES, along with other schools within the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, are utilizing a newsletter program called “Smore” to share their individual news with families of attending students. These newsletter can be viewed online and downloaded via the buttons below. WES sends the school’s newsletter directly via email; we will post these newsletters here as well.

Maggie Mills