Windsor Central Supervisory Union Continues Planning for the Fall Return to School

WCSU Interim Superintendent Sherry Sousa sent the following message to families on June 29, 2020.

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I want you to know that over the last weeks we have begun the planning for our return to school in the
fall. Our goal is to safely bring our students back to their teachers and schools so that they can learn
as a community again.

To achieve that goal, I have organized a group of teachers, staff, administrators, parents, students,
Board members and community representatives called the Collaboration Team. On July 15th and
16th, the team will set the foundation for the more detailed planning and decisions that will be made
for the District and each building. Prior to our meeting, we are reviewing the newest State guidelines,
looking at other models in Vermont, across the country and internationally, and thinking about the
options in our schools.

The survey below will collect the thoughts of our parents as you consider your child(ren) returning to
school. I have also provided the link to the Agency of Education guidelines for reopening schools.
As the Interim Superintendent, I have said that there are no simple answers to the reopening our
schools, but as someone who has served in the District as long as I have, I know we will all rise to the
challenge and offer the best learning experience we can.

Sherry Sousa
WCSU Interim Superintendent

Parent survey

State guidelines

Summer Fun Learning Bingo Board

Looking for a fun and creative way to continue learning over the summer? Maybe it's a rainy day
and you are looking for something to do? The Windsor Central Summer Fun Learning Bingo Board is
here for you! Any student grades PreK-12 can complete the board and submit evidence for a prize in
the fall. Choose a row/column/diagonal to complete, and

nd yourself engaging in music, math,
science, reading, writing, wellness, foreign language, stewardship, engineering, art, and coding! The
board was created by Windsor Central teachers. We hope this Bingo Board is a fun, optional
extension to your summer learning. Enjoy!
