WES/TPVS PTO Meeting Notes — December 5, 2023
Stem Lab-TPVS
December 5, 2023 at 8:15 AM
In attendance: Kirsten, Heather, Mallory, Donna, Lizzie, Deirdre
November meeting notes were unanimously approved.
Kirsten followed with a recap of recent fundraisers. She noted that the Giving Tuesday email generated between $1500-$1900. Kirsten noted that the donors will all receive thank you notes.
Kirsten went on to share that Spirit Wear had raised aabout $475. It was asked if the Spirit Wear store could be open year-round, but Kirsten explained that unfortunately it can only be opened in windows. The PTO plans to open the spirt store in the spring. Kirsten also noted the PTO will need to arrange pick up of purchased gear at WES and TPVS when the gear arrives.
Kirsten continued on to discuss updates to clubs. She explained that she had recently met with the district’s HR and was told that club money would need to go through the principal’s purse and then given to teacher’s running clubs. Andy Wood is going to check in with Aron to make sure he is okay with that process at TPVS.
Kirsten continued to note that she has been looking to put together a winter closet at TPVS. WES has a large “closet” that children can use during school, however TPVS is need of a closet where they can take/borrow warm weather gear. Mallory has decided to head up the effort and will be emailing the community for donations.
Kirsten followed by relaying a recent conversation that she had had with Maggie. One thing asked was for a winter community building event. An idea for this includes a Glow Dance to be held in January.
Another topic that Kirsten and Maggie discussed was student who choose not to participate in ski runners/art runners/skate runners. Maggie noted that about 20% of students do not participate in Friday activities and she would love to put together better programing for those kids. Maggie noted that due to literacy guidelines, teachers are feeling like they don’t have time for S.S../Science so she would like to focus on Science/S.S. Ideas for some activities include using stem toys, home depot crafts, Vins. Members at the meeting shared that paying for some of these activities would be something the PTO would be willing to help with.
The conversation then moved to talk about the book fair. Allison Yoo-Babbitt asked if the PTO would be willing to help run the book fair. Last year the book fair took place at Yankee Book shop in the spring. Deirdre offered an idea of asking Yankee to bring books to the school to sell on site. Kirsten asked for a sub-committee to work on the book fair.
Donna quickly noted that she would like to put together a skating event on in January/February. Ideas include an open skate with Mr. McDonaugh at Union Arena or Vail. Lizzie has hot chocolate to donate to the event.
Kirsten is going to send out a community email about upcoming events and ask for people to sign up for sub committees.
Kirsten-Thank you to Andy and Allison for coming to our meetings. During Kirsten’s meeting with Maggie, Maggie noted that she is open to have PTO meetings at WES. The PTO decided that we will do meetings every other month at WES/TVPS. This will hopefully allow other teachers to attend the PTO meetings.
Deirdre made a quick note that the Artistree field trip has been postponed until after the holiday break due to a snow delay.
Finally, Kirsten ended the meeting by talking about the challenges of finding substitute teachers. This was something that Maggie also had noted. Kirsten is looking into ways that we can we get in front of school board to talk about how much teachers are struggling to find coverage.