WES Parent/Guardian Curriculum Exploration on Tuesday, Sept. 24th, 6 P.M.

The Woodstock Elementary School Faculty invites WES parents and guardians to a curriculum exploration night on Tuesday, September 24th, from 6-7pm at WES. Teachers will present in content area teams to engage you in activities that mirror the learning WES students do on a daily basis. The topic options are listed in the document linked via the button below. Each session will be presented three times, during an A, B, and C time block, so you may pick from three of the sessions on the menu. It is not important that you see your child’s teacher on this night because the whole faculty has planned these sessions together and each session fairly represents instruction across the school. If you need to speak to a teacher about your child, please email or call to check-in or arrange a conference. This is an adult-only event! Coffee, tea, and cookies will be served.
