Healthy Helpings
“Healthy Helpings” is a program at WES that is available to families in partnership with the Woodstock Food Shelf. The purpose of the program is to provide healthy snack items for our students to eat on the weekends. The program is free of charge. Here's how it works:
If you sign up, your child (or the oldest child in your family) will receive a bag of non-perishable food items on (most) Fridays (or the day before a school vacation). Items may include things like mac and cheese, canned goods, oatmeal, popcorn, tuna, crackers, peanut butter and jelly, fruit cups, etc.
Items will be distributed confidentially and discreetly in a way that works for your family. We typically put weekend food bags in students’ backpacks on Fridays when the students are away from the classroom. Alternatively, parents can pick up the bags in the office on Friday afternoons if you’d prefer.
Note: If you participated in Healthy Helpings last year, you do not need to sign up again, your children will automatically receive bags again this year. If you do not wish to continue receiving bags, or if you have any questions about the program, please contact me at
Your personal information and participation will be treated with respect and confidentiality. Please e-mail Erin Klocek ( with the following information:
Your name and e-mail
Your child/children at WES (names, grades)
Total number of children living in your home
Do you prefer to have your child receive the bag in his/her backpack on Fridays, or would you like to pick it up in the office?